The Supreme Court rescheduled the hearing regarding the adoption of the resolution on the interpretation of legal issues concerning the loans denominated and indexed in foreign currencies


According to the announcement published on March 17th on the Court’s website, on the request of the President the Supreme Court rescheduled the hearing regarding the adoption of the said resolution from March 25th to April 13th (case III CZP 11/21). The hearing has been rescheduled due to the be the hospitalization of the President of the Supreme Court.

As Dziennik Gazeta Prawna reported in its article on March 17th, the real reason for the postponing of the hearing of the Supreme Court may be the conflict between the so-called old and new judges. The former are to be reluctant to adjudicate jointly with the latter, as the status of judges appointed to the Supreme Court under the rules introduced by PiS still raises serious doubts, and recently, due to the judgments issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union, these doubts only deepen.

More on the announcement of the SN –

More on the article in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna –,uchwaly-w-sprawie-frankowiczow-w-marcu-nie-bedzie-sn-wyznaczyl-nowy-termin.html

More on legal questions of the President of the Supreme Court –